Information for authors

ISMIR 2007 online submission system

Submission deadline is on April 11th 2007
Extended submission deadline is on April 18th 2007
Camera-ready submission deadline is on June 29th 2007

All submissions to ISMIR 2007 must be in PDF format - please format your paper according to the following template:

Please note that the LaTeX template was updated after the first submission and the Word template was updated on June 26th to remove some inconsistencies with the LaTeX template.

Please use the latest template versions for the camera-ready submission!

The templates include all the information about formatting manuscripts for ISMIR 2007. Please follow the guidelines to give the final proceedings a uniform look.

For preparing a camera-ready copy, using LaTeX is strongly recommended. If you want to use Word anyways and encounter any contradiction in the instructions or inconsistency with the LaTeX template, please refer to the sample PDF file "Template.pdf". Your document's formatting should match that of "Template.pdf" (which was created with LaTeX and "ismir.sty") as closely as possible.

Instructions for producing reliable PDFs (from ISMIR2005)

Important note

All authors are requested to send a signed Copyright Transfer Statement by fax to the following number:

+43 1 58801 18899

Only papers for which we received the signed Copyright Transfer Statement can be published in the Proceedings.